Saturday Family Academy

Saturday Family Academy (SFA) is a free, non-credit course designed to promote education, empowerment and success to the entire family.
Registration is free and includes all six (6) Saturday sessions, held 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. at Tri-C's Metropolitan Campus. Pre-registration is encouraged.
New session dates TBD.
College and Career Readiness and Empowerment classes include:
- ACT College Exam Prep
- Goal Setting
- College Knowledge
- Credit and Debt Management
- Developing a Winning Attitude
- Math Readiness for Middle and High School Students
- Math and Literacy for Preschoolers and Early Learners
- Safety for Preschoolers
Thank you to our community partners:
- Cleveland Public Library
- The Literacy Cooperative
- The Music Settlement
- St. Luke's Foundation
- Winning in America