University Settlement / Broadway Slavic Village

The Tri-C Access Center at University Settlement - Broadway/Slavic Village will connect you — easily and conveniently — with the education and job training you need to build a better future. Many of the services are available at no cost.
University Settlement - Broadway/Slavic Village
5115 Broadway Ave.
Cleveland, Ohio 44127
Scholarships may be available for many of the courses and services.
Community Journalism Course - This eight-week, no cost certificate program is designed to teach journalism skills and design practices to Clevelanders who want to become more active in getting and sharing the stories and information that our communities need to thrive.
The program offers a hands-on exploration of how journalism works. You'll learn tools for understanding the local issues that are affecting you and your neighbors, how to see the larger systems at play, and how to report on important stories with and for your communities.
March 26 - May 14, 2024: Class meets Tuesday evenings from 6 - 8 p.m. This class is delivered via virtual instruction. Must have access to the internet.
This program is offered through support from Neighborhood Media Foundation, Signal Cleveland, Journalism+Design at The New School and Tri-C Corporate College.
Workforce Success Course - Sharpen your job skills to succeed in the workplace. Identify academic pathways and resources to achieve your career goals. Develop your resume. Earn one college credit. Completed Tri-C application required.
March 18 - May 10, 2024: Class meets at Esperanza, Inc. Wednesdays from 6:00pm - 7:30pm
To start your application process or learn more, preregister here.